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Barbed Wire

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Barbed Wire

Barbed Wire fences had been used traditionally by farmers to keep livestock in and away from their crops. Major Cattle ranches in Namwala and Mkushi, uses Barbed Wire as a suitable material for fencing. The principal idea for farmers using barbed wire fencing was its low cost and ease of sectioning large tracts of land quickly and effectively. Those who saw the benefits of barbed wire fencing, were in a unique position in the cattle market.

Barbed wire for agricultural fencing is typically available in two varieties: soft or mild-steel wire and hightensile.

Both types are galvanized for longevity.

High-tensile wire is made with 2.24mm diameter wire a thinner but higher-strength steel. Its greater strength makes fences longer lasting because it resists stretching and loosening better, coping with expansion and contraction caused by heat and animal pressure by stretching and relaxing within wider elastic limits. It also supports longer spans, but because of its elastic (springy) nature it is harder to handle and somewhat dangerous for inexperienced fencers.

Soft wire is much easier to work but is less durable and only suitable for short spans such as repairs and gates, where it is less likely to tangle.

The advantages of galvanized barbed wire fencing is that it is almost imperishable, it has no burden on the posts and does not oppose the wind. It is economical, not only in price but also in the amount of land it can cover by it. It is effective as a barrier against all kinds of stock and a protection against dogs and wild beasts. Cattle, once discovering what it is, will not press against it, nor even go near it, and thus it becomes an effective means of dividing the farmer’s ranch into such fields as he may desire. It is quickly and cheaply constructed, and has the advantage of freedom from harbouring weeds. It affords no impediment to the view. A man can see across his farm, and ascertain what is going on in every portion within the scope of vision, as plainly as if there were no fences. Finally, barbed wire composed of two wires twisted together, once firmly put in place, will retain its taut condition through many seasons without repair. The fact of the wire being twisted allows it to adapt itself to all the varying temperatures.


Steellines Zambia has ample capacity to produce Barbed wire in assorted specifications. The most common are:



Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double Strand1.6200mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double Strand1.6400mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double Strand1.6600mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double Strand1.6200mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double Strand1.6400mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double Strand1.6600mt


Barbed Wire 2.24mm HT Single Strand1.6200mt
Barbed Wire 2.24mm HT Single Strand1.6400mt
Barbed Wire 2.24mm HT Single Strand1.6600mt


Barbed Wire

 Barbed Wire fences had been used traditionally by farmers to keep livestock in and away from their crops. Major Cattle ranches in Namwala and Mkushi, uses Barbed Wire as a suitable material for fencing. The principal idea for farmers using barbed wire fencing was its low cost and ease of sectioning large tracts of land quickly and effectively. Those who saw the benefits of barbed wire fencing, were in a unique position in the cattle market.

Barbed wire for agricultural fencing is typically available in two varieties: soft or mild-steel wire and high–tensile.

Both types are galvanized for longevity.

High-tensile wire is made with 2.24mm diameter wire a thinner but higher-strength steel. Its greater strength makes fences longer lasting because it resists stretching and loosening better, coping with expansion and contraction caused by heat and animal pressure by stretching and relaxing within wider elastic limits. It also supports longer spans, but because of its  elastic(springy) nature it is harder to handle and somewhat dangerous for inexperienced fencers.

Soft wire is much easier to work but is less durable and only suitable for short spans such as repairs and gates, where it is less likely to tangle.


Wire Diameter: 1.6mm & 2.0mm

Type: Double Strand

Length: 300mt, 500mt & 600mt

Line Wire Diameter Length
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 1.6mm 200mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 1.6mm 300mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 1.6mm 400mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 1.6mm 500mt
Barbed Wire 1.6mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 1.6mm 600mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 2.0mm 200mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 2.0mm 300mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 2.0mm 400mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 2.0mm 500mt
Barbed Wire 2.0mm Double StrandGalvanized, Tight Wrapped 2.0mm 600mt

The advantages of galvanized barbed wire fencing is that it is almost imperishable, it has no burden on the posts and does not oppose the wind. It is economical, not only in price but also in the amount of land it can cover by it. It is effective as a barrier against all kinds of stock and a protection against dogs and wild beasts. Cattle, once discovering what it is, will not press against it, nor even go near it, and thus it becomes an effective means of dividing the farmer’s ranch into such fields as he may desire. It is quickly and cheaply constructed, and has the advantage of freedom from harbouring weeds. It affords no impediment to the view. A man can see across his farm, and ascertain what is going on in every portion within the scope of vision, as plainly as if there were no fences. Finally, barbed wire composed of two wires twisted together, once firmly put in place, will retain its taut condition through many seasons without repair. The fact of the wire being twisted allows it to adapt itself to all the varying temperatures.